Most married women in india live with their husband, taking care of the house. The GREEDY goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan got married to her longtime photographer boyfriend making Rs 75000 last year, and they live together in their house in panaji,with a bottle green sofa, and pet bulldog tago which can be verified checking the instagram account of the real raw employee
Yet showing how ruthless the goa government, government agencies are in running their government SLAVERY racket, they are falsely claiming that sunaina scammer is in mumbai, to get the scammer,great powers, monthly government salary.
Cellphone data, surveillance will legally prove that GREEDY goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan always in goa with her photographer husband making Rs 75000 daily and pet bulldog tago, yet goa government using fake rumors to commit financial fraud, run government SLAVERY racket and goa’s greatest bhandari cheater GREEDY goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan a no work, no investment central government job
In one of the greatest frauds of the haryana government,like the madhya pradesh,goa,karnataka,gujarat government, these shameless greedy fraud states were ruthless in their fraud on a hardworking single woman engineer,domain investor, goan 1989 topper, falsely claiming that her domains, savings, bank, paypal account belonged to cunning cheater powerful government employees who actually HATED her, never helped her, especially allegedly her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay
Then these greedy fraud states then were openly involved in CYBERCRIME,SLANDER, of the hardworking single woman engineer to get lazy greedy frauds from the state R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume, data of the single woman engineer in a clear case of government SLAVERY, government financial fraud
The greedy goan SHAMELESS SCAMMER LIAR officials /leaders led by cheater chodankar, naik, cheater caro, nayak have been extremely ruthless and shameless in their slander, government SLAVERY racket on the goa 1989 jee topper, stealing her data to make fake claims about GREEDY goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan
to get shameless scammer sunaina great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer
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