Month: May 2021

Top brahmin fraud ntro employee j srinivasan’s favorite sugar baby goan bhandari sunny shows off stolen coin collection in instagram

With powerful google, tata PIMPS, NTRO, RAW,cbi sugar daddies like brahmin j srinivasan, puneet rewarding her, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan shows off stolen coin collection on instagram
Overconfident that no one will punish her, greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan shows off stolen coin collection on instagram
In a clear indication that indian tech and internet companies, government agencies are encourages crimes like ROBBERY against single woman professionals,
Overconfident that no one will punish her, greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan shows off stolen coin collection on instagram
With powerful google, tata PIMPS, NTRO, RAW,cbi sugar daddies rewarding her, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan shows off stolen coin collection on instagram
Usually most robbers do show off stolen items in their instagram account so

Team handling R&AW employee amita patel’s social media account should improve its english

Though R&AW employee stock trader amita patel has multiple social media account, and her social media team is very active, they do not check their english before posting
There are some very obvious grammar and spelling mistakes in the posts
These could be a warning about those who plan to deal with amita patel, though she is very powerful, she does not care about english quality
It also exposes the raw fraud of faking domain ownership, when amita patel can pay her team for social media marketing, why does amita patel ( and other fraud raw employee sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cbi employees) not pay for domains including this one, yet falsely claim to own them and get monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor due to ntro, raw, cbi financial fraud.

Gorillagurus offers social media marketing services for clients

In the USA, Gorillagurus offers a wide range of social marketing services for its clients
These services include
– social media account creation
– updating social media
– promoting the social media account

Due to the Rs one crore online fraud, indian government agencies are making fake claims about website ownership causing great losses to the domain investor, a private citizen who is writing articles for Gorillagurus and other clients, while government agencies like ntro, raw, cbi are wasting taxpayer money on google,tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees especially slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan,who does not even have a computer at home, in a clear case of labor law violations,government FINANCIAL FRAUD on indian citizens.

Kangana ranaut twitter account may have followed the style of hindi TV channels where people say whatever they wish

The indian english language TV channels are highly censored and the anchors will only say what is politically correct.
In contrast the hindi language channels have no censorship, people are saying whatever they wish without being censored.
So kangana ranaut and her team may be following the style of hindi TV channels where people say whatever they wish,even if it is offensive to others
The american websites are politically correct, and hence they may have banned the twitter account.

Rajput kangana ranaut does not realize that twitter in India is completely controlled by shivalli brahmins

While the mainstream media carried the news of the suspension of actress kangana ranauts twitter account, it appears that rajput kangana ranauts marketing team did not realize that twitter in India is completely controlled by shivalli brahmins
They are always looking for kshatriyas to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, deleting tweets and retweets if a brahmin is involved
Once the domain investor, a private citizen had complained about shivalli brahmin raw employee nayanshree who is only cooking, cleaning for her husband, tata power employee guruprasad , yet getting a monthly raw salary since 2013 for FALSELY claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor, a kshatriya who has no one to help or defend her
The domain investor complained about the cheating by nayanshree, and the tweet was retweeted by someone else. The twitter censors immediately deleted the retweet, indicating that all complaints against brahmins are deleted.
Kindly note that the that panaji’s shameless scammer hot pant wearing greedy goan bhandari sisters R&AW employee sunaina chodan, piyu, purvi are not associated with the website in any way, though the brahmin google, tata PIMPS of these goan call girls, brahmin liar sugar daddies in ntro, raw, cbi trading sex for power, fraud liar relatives like liar pritesh chodankar are DUPING people, companies and countries with their lies since 2010 to get the scammer sisters monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
The panaji shameless scammer goan bhandari sisters sunaina, purvi, piyu do not even invest in computers yet are making FAKE CLAIMS with the help of google, tata PIMPS since google, tata do not want to pay goan call girls from their million dollar profits, instead google,tata, indian internet companies ruthlessly CHEAT, EXPLOIT hardworking older single women who have no one to defend themselves against tatas online fraud for 11 years

Kangana ranauts twitter account suspended permanently

Though actress kangana ranaut is making millions of rupees annually, she does not promote her own domain , she uses social media like twitter to interact with her fans
She and her it team did not realize that twitter is very risky
The account was permanently suspended in may 2021
She has lost all her 3 million followers , wasting all her social media team effort